9 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

Salman yousafzai
7 min readNov 22, 2023


Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

OFeeling anxious or worried from time to time is considered a normal reaction to stressful situations. 1 However, for the approximately 30% of U.S. adults who have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives,

these anxious feelings have increased considerably. Physical symptoms of anxiety include sweating, increased heart rate, and shortness of breath.
The underlying causes of anxiety disorders are complex and may include a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. 4 The development of anxiety disorders is not always preventable, but there are coping strategies you can implement and professional help you can try. To cope with the anxieties of everyday life.

Coping Skills for Anxiety

Certain lifestyle changes and mindfulness techniques can help manage anxiety. Luckily, there are a variety of science-backed tips you can incorporate to calm anxiety in your daily life.

1. Be Active

Regular exercise not only supports your overall health, but it’s also been shown to reduce the severity and frequency of anxiety attacks. Even just her one exercise session will help (at least temporarily).
Data shows that 15 minutes of daily activity, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, can reduce anxiety symptoms in the short term. For stronger, long-term effects, make sure your exercise habits are consistent. This means doing at least two hours a week of moderate-intensity activity, such as walking. Speed ​​walking. It also means doing regular mindful exercise, such as pray, which is thought to have anti-anxiety effects.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Anxiety and sleep have a complex relationship. Research suggests that anxiety can cause sleep deprivation and vice versa, and that sleep deprivation can cause anxiety. Women can be especially affected by this relationship.
To break this cycle, evaluate your current sleep habits. Adjusting your sleep habits is easier said than done, but remember that getting enough sleep not only improves your mood and reduces stress, but is also important for your overall health. Put it down please.
Experts recommend that he adopt one or more of the following sleep tips.
Maintain a consistent sleep schedule so your body and mind get used to the routine.
To suppress nighttime brain activity, prohibit the use of cell phones and television before bedtime.
Drink a cup of warm herbal tea to put your body into a relaxed state.
Turn on relaxing spa music to soothe and even relax. Improves sleep quality.

3. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine

Substances like alcohol and caffeine can affect functions like sleep and mood, so it’s no wonder they can cause anxiety. For this reason, experts recommend limiting intake of both to avoid worsening anxiety symptoms.
However, if you want to reduce your caffeine intake, keep in mind that you may experience withdrawal symptoms. You may want to focus on drinking water and staying hydrated throughout the day. Research shows that drinking plain water reduces the risk of anxiety and depression in adults

4. Eat Well-Balanced Meals

What you eat can affect your mood. Also, maintaining normal blood sugar levels can have a significant positive effect when it comes to anxiety symptoms.
Researchers found that diets high in processed foods, fat, and sugar were associated with higher odds of anxiety symptoms compared to diets high in lean protein. Causing anxiety, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.
Improvement in anxiety symptoms can be seen relatively quickly by changing your diet. After following a balanced eating plan, some study participants reported that he felt less anxious within a month.

5. Practice Self-Care

Intentionally make time for regular self-care. Doing so will alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Self-care practices vary from person to person. For you, self-care might mean making time for fun activities and relaxation, chatting with friends, getting a massage, writing in a journal, and more. Clearing your calendar for these purposes will improve your health.

6. Meditate

By putting the mind into a deep state of relaxation, meditation and targeted deep breathing can help reduce anxiety symptoms in people with anxiety disorders.
One type of meditation that has been shown to reduce anxiety is guided mental imagery. This is also called guided meditation, visualization, mental rehearsal, or guided self-hypnosis. Guided mental imagery usually involves imagining a future situation, task, or event in a positive way so that you can feel more prepared and comfortable when it actually happens. Masu.
Guided meditation support is available from many mental health professionals. You may also find helpful online resources and apps

7. Try Grounding Techniques

Grounding is the process of temporarily freeing yourself from feelings of anxiety and centering yourself. Grounding won’t eliminate your anxiety, but it can help reduce its intensity. This will help you feel more confident and in control.
There are various techniques you can use to ground yourself. One of them is the rule, which you can use anytime, anywhere to ground yourself in the now. To put the rule into practice, follow these steps:
Scan your surroundings and name the three objects you see.
Listen to the people around you and list three things he hears.
Touch or move three things, such as nearby objects or body parts.

Another grounding technique is the 54321 method. To do this, you need to identify the following in your environment:
1 thing you can taste
2 things you can smell
3 things you can hear
4 things you can touch
5 things you can see

8. Professional Treatments for Anxiety

You may find that lifestyle approaches alone are not enough to reduce your anxiety. Fortunately, there are specialized treatments for anxiety. Your health care provider will work with you to determine which anxiety treatment plan, psychotherapy, medication, or both, is best for you. 9

9. Psychotherapy

You can receive psychotherapy (also called talk therapy or counseling) from a trained therapist. Psychotherapy involves discussing your situation with the aim of managing and reducing your fears There are many different types of talk therapy, some of which are particularly effective for anxiety.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps clarify the relationships between thoughts, actions, and reactions to situations that can cause anxiety. Learning how to control the perception of stressors, replace thoughts that cause panic, manage stressful symptoms, and avoid reactive thinking about small problems that are spiraling out of control usually requires constant several sessions are required. 9
Acceptance and Engagement Therapy (ACT) is a type of talk therapy that focuses on two things. First, acceptance is thought to be the key to dealing with anxious thoughts and situations. Second, you need to stay committed to your goals and engage in constructive activities to reduce unpleasant and anxious feelings. Currently, there is not much evidence to support the effectiveness of ACT for anxiety, as it is a relatively new form of psychotherapy.

Finding Affordable Professional Treatment Options

ental health care can be expensive, particularly if it`s not covered by insurance or if you don’t have access to health insurance. In these cases, here are a few options you can try
Check out online therapy platforms rather than an in-person office visit: In addition to eliminating the transportation cost, the actual services may be more affordable.
Look into federally funded health centers: Mental health services are often offered at these centers, which work on a sliding scale, allowing patients to pay what they can afford. Find one near you by checking for federally funded health centers here.
Consider college or university assistance: Some higher education programs offer lower-cost anxiety therapy via graduate students (under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional). Call the psychology or psychiatry departments to see if they offer discounted visits in exchange for student counseling experiences.
Inquire about patient assistance programs for pharmaceutical companies: There are many programs that cover some (or all) of the cost of prescription drugs, especially for patients without health insurance. Eligibility varies, so you should check with the drug’s parent company after receiving your prescription.


Medications do not cure anxiety disorders, but they can help alleviate symptoms. 2 Your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following medications to help manage your anxiety: 39
Antidepressants: Traditionally prescribed for depression and can also be used in some people. It fights anxiety by adjusting the way your brain uses certain mood- and stress-related chemicals. This class of drugs may take some time to take effect, so they may be suitable for long-term treatment plans.
Benzodiazepines: These sedatives work faster and reduce anxiety symptoms almost immediately. However, this type of drug must be prescribed with caution, as it can cause tolerance and become habit-forming over time.
Beta-blockers: These drugs are usually used to treat high blood pressure and can also help relieve physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a racing heart or tremors. These drugs are typically taken for short periods of time or as needed.

When to See A Healthcare Provider for Anxiety

There is a difference between anxiety that you sometimes feel as a normal reaction to certain events or situations, and anxiety that persists and may be a sign of an anxiety disorder.
experts recommend paying attention to some common flags. Consider talking to your doctor if you notice: 359
Difficulty controlling anxiety symptoms.
I find it difficult to go about my daily life.
You worry and feel anxious disproportionately or frequently.
You also have light sleep or lack of sleep.
You feel a loss of appetite.
You feel physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a rapid heartbeat or sweating.
You feel increasingly irritable or moody.
You find it difficult to concentrate.
Concentration decreases

A Quick Review

Anxiety can sometimes occur as a normal response to stress. If your fear doesn’t go away or gets worse, it could be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can cause feelings of distress and physical symptoms such as heart palpitations. Fortunately, there are ways to calm your anxiety. This includes lifestyle changes such as daily exercise, getting enough sleep, and meditation. You can also try grounding techniques like the 333 rule to center yourself when you’re feeling anxious. If these coping mechanisms are not sufficient, your health care provider may recommend a treatment plan that includes talk therapy, medication, or both.

